Wednesday 28 December 2016

Liposuction Surgery in Delhi|Surgery Cosmetic Plastics

Liposuction Surgery in Delhi
Liposuction Surgery in Delhi
Liposuction is a procedure which is done using a local spine & general anesthetic. Liposuction surgery in delhi will depend on the technique chosen by your surgeon and the amount of fat to be removed. Liposuction can be performed in several areas of the body at the same time, and can be used in conjunction with other cosmetic surgery procedures.

The technique improves the body's contour by removing excess fat from deposits located between the skin and muscle. In the liposuction procedure, we provide the best liposuction surgery in India with us and in this, the fat is first removed by inserting a small, hollow tube (called a Cannula) through one or more tiny incisions. These incisions are usually less than one-quarter inch in length and are placed as inconspicuously as possible.

We provide the best liposuction surgery in delhi. Surgery Cosmetic Plastics  clinic we provide advance laser assisted liposuction which uses a powerful laser to melt the membranes of each fat cell, causing them to break down, so there will be fewer traumas, means faster recovery. The major benefit of Laser liposuction is that it gives excellent skin tightening effect.

Liposuction procedure could be carried out anywhere if subcutaneous fat deposition is present, the most common are the belly or abdomen, buttock, thighs, hips, arm, breast, double chin and face. There are many liposuction procedures like the hip liposuction which is done simultaneously with abdomen liposuction. Most of us start to get the abdominal liposuction which is done just beneath the breast area and from one flank to another in one sitting to provide you smooth uniform fat loss with appropriate curves and shape.

Brachioplasty surgery in delhi is a major procedure which reduces excessive sagging skin that drops downwards. The procedure is believed to tighten and smooth the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm. The procedure also reduces the localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region.

The fluctuation in the weight, growing older and heredity can cause the upper arm to have a drooping , sagging appearance and such conditions may not be corrected through an exercise. The right time to go for the upper arm lift procedure is when the weight is normal or if you have a massive amount of weight and are left with excessive upper arm skin.

We have the best arm reduction surgeon in delhi if you have recently lost a lot of weight after Bariatric surgery or due to diet and exercise. It can also be an effective way to treat signs of aging in your upper arms and there are certain surgical techniques which can be used to perform the procedure, including a standard upper arm lift and a mini-arm lift. Depending on your skin quality and condition the surgeon makes the right choice. You can either follow a liposuction procedure, limited incision Brachioplasty, standard Brachioplasty and extended Brachioplasty.

Tummy tuck procedure is suitable for both men and women who are in good overall general health. The procedure should not be confused with a liposuction. The surgery is used to remove fat and is the right option for women who have muscles and skin stretched by multiple pregnancies. The procedure is also an alternative for men or women who were obese at one point in time. We provide the best tummy tuck surgery in delhi.

In several cases, the doctors take the decision to go for a Mini-Abdominoplasty which is often performed on patients whose fat deposits are located below the navel and require shorter incisions. In most of the cases, your belly button will not be moved. The skin is separated from the line of the incision and the belly button. Such a type of surgery may also be performed with an endoscope.

One should be quite aware of the fact that when it comes tummy tuck procedure on certain occasions it could lead to thick, obvious scar developing, bulges under the skin, a collection of the fluid in the area which was operated, numbness or pain, tummy cramps or breathing problems. the recovery generally happens in four to six weeks time.

The tummy tuck procedure takes approximately 2 to 4 hours for this surgery. It requires general anesthesia and the usual hospital stay is 2 to 5 days. It also depends upon the individual's response to the surgery. The process is important in lifting the abdominal skin from the muscles, the umbilicus is relocated and excess sagging skin excised. Stitches are under the skin and absorbable and strengthen with tapes and no need of stitch removal. The final scar is hidden in undergarments. In certain cases the abdominoplasty is combined with liposuction or fat suctioning for abdomen contouring
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Thursday 22 December 2016

Tummy Tuck Surgeon in Delhi|Surgery Cosmetic Plastics

Tummy Tuck Surgeon in Delhi
Tummy Tuck Surgeon in Delhi

Also known as abdominoplasty, tummy lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to achieve a flatter and firmer abdomen. The surgery removes excess skin and fat from the stomach and tightens abdominal muscles with sutures. Abdominoplasty surgery makes the stomach more youthful and tauter to give stunning looks to women yearning to have slim figure to wear swim suit.
Candidates for Tummy Lift Surgery
Abdominoplasty is ideal for individuals who are physically healthy, have stable weight and have realistic expectations from the surgery. The best candidates for tummy lift surgery are men and women who have excess of fat and sagging skin on abdomen and do not respond to diet or exercise.
Women who have excess abdominal fat owing to pregnancy and child birth, skin in elasticity from aging process, massive weight fluctuations and heredity are ideal candidates for abdominoplasty.
Tummy Tuck Procedure
Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia although intravenous sedation may also be given along with local anesthesia.
In order to perform a tummy tuck , the surgeon makes an incision from hip to hip just above the pubic area, sometimes the incision is also done around the navel region.
The surgeon disconnects the skin from underlying tissue and tightens abdominal muscles with sutures to trim away excess skin and fat. Once all the steps are done, the surgeon closes the incision. A drainage tube is inserted to prevent fluid collection underneath the skin.
Recovery after Tummy Tuck Surgery
Following the surgery, the surgeon applies bandages and dressings to the incision. The surgeon will ask the patient to wear an elastic garment to help skin adhere to the underlying tissues. If removable sutures are used, the surgeon removes them in 7 - 10 days. During this time, the person is able to resume everyday activities. The patient is allowed not to lift heavy weight or do rigorous exercises.
Tummy Lift Surgery in India
Tummy lift surgery is done at state-of-the art hospitals and clinics in India. The surgery is performed by highly qualified plastic surgeons who have years of experience in performing abdominoplasty with lot of experience and skills.
Surgery Cosmetic Plastics is the best Clinic in Delhi,India that offers abdominoplasty in association with best cosmetic surgeons in India. Surgery Cosmetic Plastics provides excellent health care facilitation to patients seeking quality and affordable tummy tuck surgery to patients.
Surgery Cosmetic Plastics is the most trusted Clinic who offering affordable tummy tuck surgery in India. For more information about Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck Surgery in India, visit - Call us at +91-8750242000.
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Tuesday 6 December 2016

Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi| Surgery Cosmetic Plastics

Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi
Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi
Rhinoplasty Surgery or Nose Surgery sometimes referred as Nose Reshaping or a Nose Job, is a plastic surgery for enhancing the facial appearance or correcting a breathing problem due to abnormalities in the nose-structure. Must have heard about people opting for surgery to correct their nose-structures in proportion to other facial structures? Rhinoplasty Surgery is all about this. And, it does enhance the looks and confidence of the person.

What Rhinoplasty Surgery India does for you?
• It harmonize your nose size in relation to other facial structures
• Nose width, at the bridge
• Nasal Tip if it looks large, dropping, or too upturned
• Helps you if you have nostrils that are large and wide
• Helps you in case of Nasal asymmetry and deviation
How to Prepare for the Rhinoplasty Surgery Delhi?

Your surgeon is going to help you in this. He/she will give you specific instructions/guidelines on things, like eating, drinking, smoking, washing your face, and more. For an example, you should avoid Aspirin and Vitamin E containing medications at least 7 days prior to this surgery.

A little more about Rhinoplasty Surgery Delhi
It is to be noted that there is not a universal type of Rhinoplasty surgery and thus, it is customized for each patient, depending on his/her particular needs. The surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending upon the case in question.

After Surgery
Your face will feel puffy, your nose may ache, and you may even experience a dull headache. However, there is pain medication and things should be fine within first two weeks itself. Also, make sure that you don't blow your nose in the first week or so.
There are some very good hospitals around, offering world-class Rhinoplasty Surgery Delhi. You can easily seek treatment in cosmetic plastics Clinic is one of the best Clinic for Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi.
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